Siri podcast ngeri bersifat psikologi pertama di Malaysia. Bertempat di Kuala Lumpur pada kemuncak pandemik, seorang pakar psikologi berdepan masalah-masalah besar di rumah dan mula berasa situasinya berada di luar kawalan, menyebabkannya terpaksa menangani kejadian-kejadian yang tak dijangka.
Sebuah produksi ZAG Media. Semua hakcipta terpelihara.
Malaysia's 1st psychological thriller podcast series. Set in Kuala Lumpur at the height of the pandemic, a psychologist faces huge problems at home and begins to unravel, leading to an unexpected chain of events
If you are facing any mental health issues, please seek professional help; https://www.befrienders.org/
Written & Directed by: Thiyagu Govindan
Actors: Kween Keela Kamarudin, Adli Shinichi, Mawar Roseka, Yiyun Chin, Arif, Kuhen, Mayilai Kumaran, Adeeba Nuriman
Sound Design: Kael
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